A baby with 4 legs and 4 arms was born in India

 This eight-limbed baby is considered by his parents to be a child of god because of his resemblance to a god with many arms and legs in Indian beliefs.

Baby "child of god" with 4 legs and 4 arms was born in India photo 1

A baby boy with 4 arms and 4 legs was just born in India and is attracting the attention of the community here.

This eight-limbed baby is considered by his parents to be a child of god because of his resemblance to a god with many arms and legs in Indian beliefs.

An anonymous relative of the family said: “When the baby was born, we all couldn’t believe our eyes. The nurses said he was deformed, but I saw this as a sign of death.” God. In fact, this is a miracle. The boy is the son of a god. Indian gods have many limbs just like that.”

Thousands of people flocked to Baruipur city hospital in Bengal state, India to see this baby with their own eyes. A person named Chukka Rao, 67 years old, from a neighboring village said: “When we heard about Than’s baby boy, we were a bit skeptical. But we still came here out of curiosity. It turns out that’s it.” is the truth. This baby is the son of Brahma, the Hindu god with four legs and four arms.”

However, the police said that people flocking to admire the boy are causing a lot of trouble.

A police spokesman said the crowd went crazy and screamed to see the child. Hundreds of people cried in the streets, hundreds more prayed and camped here. Some even became panicked and thought this was a sign of the end of the world. In my entire career, I have never seen a scene like this.

Doctors said the baby had 4 legs and 4 arms because the mother was pregnant with twins, and the two fetuses were attached to each other before fully developing in the mother’s womb.

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